Hello From A.M. Moscoso





Hello and welcome to my dark little corner of the Universe.

I am a story teller from Seattle, Washington and I’ve been writing since I was nine years old.

If you want to know a little about me- here are the fun facts: I have worked as a Mortician’s Apprentice. My Favorite TV shows are ” Red Dwarf ” and another Brit Comedy called ” The Good Life ” and I will watch or read anything that comes from the guys who do

” Weird New Jersey”

I’m also a guitarist,  I tell tell some great jokes and Rod Serling is one of the greatest influences to me as a writer and a political and Human Rights activist.

Thank You for stopping by and I hope you have  fun.





28 thoughts on “Hello From A.M. Moscoso

  1. Hi Dolly
    I started playing when I was 12 and I’m almost 43 now so I’ve played most of my life.

    If I wasn’t working on writing I’d probably be in a band right now.



  2. I always imagine myself in a band. But I couldn’t play any instrument…
    Sometimes I wish I could be solo like Avril Lavigne too. So I highlighted my hair just like hers (though I’m not blonde) The highlights supposed to be red…but it turned orange. So I looked just like my tortoises… Troy & Gabriella.
    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Anita awesome blog.
    I moved to Seattle in 1970 when I was six years old and it didn’t take long until I discovered Nightmare Theatre. Joe Towey was perfect as the Count and I was up every Friday night watching him and the two treats they offered that night. I still am a classic horror enthusiast and collector to this day, my wife is a bit tired hearing me talk about how much I miss Nightmare Theatre. It’s very unfortunate that all the shows were recorded over and no footage exists. You’ve got some nice photos that really bring back the memories. About a week ago I started to try out this blogging stuff and I am still rather behind the times. You’ve got a great blog put together here, very nice work. Please check me out and let me know what you think. still in it’s infancy, so many tricks to learn.


    see ya
    Jon, aka jwgumby


  4. Thanks so much for stopping by Anita, I need to get my wife to check out your site, I think she would really enjoy it. Some of the more popular reading around our house is Anne Rice, Stephen King and local lady Anne Rule. I hope to get a chance to read some of your stories soon. Also, it looks like I need to get one of those perty pictures, right now I look like frosty the snow man and a dull one at that.

    see ya,


  5. It certainly does count…I mean c’mon those are LIFE skills.

    And don’t be tossing those invites around- I’ve been known to go to some strange places just because they’re – NOT THE FREAKIN’ SUBURBS!


  6. Hi Anita… How are you? Sorry for not stopping by for so long. Hope everything’s fine with you. 😀 Keep up with all the great horror stories!


  7. Hello! Stumbled across your blog a month or so back and love your stories.
    I’ve recently started drawing comics after a long period of not drawing anything much, and would love to have a go at adapting some of your stories into comic format if that’d be okay with you – I like “Another Not Quite Alice Moment” in particular.
    My comic blog is at http://mobilemeatmachines.blogspot.com/ , though it’s not really representative of the style I’d use.
    I’d have sent this via a private message, but couldn’t work out how to, sorry. 🙂


  8. Bravo. Rod Serling was to sci-fi drama what Ernie Kovacs was to early television comedy. Both men were geniuses, visionaries ahead of their time and wonderfully creative talents. Their creative works have inspired generations of like minded creatively talented people to create works emulating the masters. THank you for sharing. Enjoy the day.


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